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 Переключатель на улучшение общепланетарного климата  расположен в Беринговом проливе!

 Человечество уже не один десяток лет мечтает об улучшении климата.

Северные страны хотят, чтобы к ним пришло побольше тепла… Южные страны (особенно Африка) спят и видят, как бы им оросить водой их безводные степи и пустыни. Мои  друзья по движению Бутейко удивляются. Зачем специалисту в области нормализации глубокого дыхания заниматься метеорологическими проблемами?  Это лишний раз убеждает меня в том, насколько УЗКО смотрит  сегодняшний среднестатистический человек на окружающий мир. … Разве академик Константин Павлович Бутейко не ТВЕРДИЛ на каждой своей лекции о КАТАСТРОФИЧЕСКОЙ потере СО2 в атмосфере Земли.?! Да!! Медик и физиолог Бутейко изучал наличие СО2 в атмосфере земли за периоды многих миллионов лет. Константин Павлович постоянно подчеркивал, что такие болезни, как диабет, астма,  стенокардия, гипертония и прочие имеют ГЛАВНОЙ своей причиной ( в конечном итоге) НЕДОСТАТОК СО2 в НЫНЕШНЕЙ Земной атмосфере! Ученый утверждал, что на Земле из-за засухи или морозов вытесняются леса. А ПУСТЫНИ наступают…

Почему глубокое дыхание ВРЕДНО? Да потому что на ГЛУБОКОМ дыхании из организма человека ИЗЛИШНЕ… удаляется ЦЕЛЕБНЫЙ углекислый газ.

  Бутейко предупреждал об опасности уменьшения лесного покрова!! Ведь именно он дает Человечеству бесценный углекислый газ.


 Вот я и обеспокоен тем, что ( уже, кстати, начавшийся еще в 2014 году) Малый ледниковый период основательно доканает и остатки леса. И он также доконает миллионы людей-как холодом, так и СНИЖЕНИЕМ покрытых растительностью регионов!!

 Казалось бы это обстоятельство легко объясняет мое небезразличное отношение к данной теме… Но мои друзья- последователи Великого Бутейко связать эти факты в ОДНУ логическую цепочку часто не в состоянии…

Так вот вернемся к теме улучшения климата. До ОБЩЕПЛАНЕТАРНОГО проекта Петра Михайловича Борисова ( создать прямоток теплых атлантических вод через Арктический бассейн в Тихий океан) много чего разные ученые люди предлагали. Например, предлагали построить канал через полуостров  Флориду в Америке… А для чего, спрашивается, это надо было бы сделать? А для того, чтобы теплый Гольфстрим не охлаждало бы нехорошее и холодное Лабрадорское течение… Другие активные люди убеждали общественность Америки, что место встречи Гольфстрима и Лабрадорского течения следует перенести километров так на четыреста восточнее… Мол, так-то для Северной Америке будет лучше.  Теплее и уютнее там станет человеку.

 И вы знаете- не обманывали авторы проектов американцев! Так ведь оно и есть. Гражданам Северной Америки действительно от этих проектов станет теплее. Станет радостнее жить…


  Но вот ведь какая беда- много хуже станет от этого гражданам Северной Европы! У них то не потеплеет! У них наоборот похолоднеет градусов этак на двенадцать… Это за год. В среднем… Но это уже-КРУПНЕЙШАЯ природная катастрофа!!

Спасибо, конечно,ребята дорогие, но... Но так дело не пойдет. Вы будете там себе греться. А мы будем насмерть замерзать…

Нет и еще раз нет! Общепланетарный перключатоль климата  в сторону улучшения находится ТОЛЬКО в Беринговом проливе.! Там нужно построить ПЛОТИНУ ЖИЗНИ!! Одну на ВСЕХ. И мощный гидроузел с насосами для перекачивания воды через эту плотину.


   (окончание №7 следует)






   Sergey Altukhov.


"It is necessary IMMEDIATELY, URGENTLY (!) to construct by the WHOLE WORLD only ONE … a dam in the Bering Strait to rescue from of ice  extinction all MANKIND on our Earth!!"

(Book appeal in two languages: Russian and English in author's translation)

                                                                       To outstanding Russian scientists-Konstantin Pavlovichu to Buteyko, Pyotr Mikhaylovich Borisov and Habibulo Ismailovich Abdusamatov it is devoted.



Preface … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .page

Chapter 1 What bases at me to urge to build  Life dam.

              Education, calling, aspirations, beliefs …. Page

Chapter 2… The switch on improvement of all- planetary climate  is located in the Bering Strait!...




I begin to write this book ADDRESS to disturbing time of the beginning of Small Ice Age-9 of April, 2017. To me are 65 years. Human life is short … We do not think of what will be with us in two-three years. And in fifteen years … It can be already and not with us personally. And through twenty - twenty five years what will be? Even our children do not think of it, alas,  now.


  And it is necessary to think! And now. And it is urgent!

As though the trouble can appear suddenly already TOMORROW …

My scientific thinking was formed under the influence of my Godfather. My theoretical Teacher in nonconventional medicine. The great physiologist - the academician of the international academy of informatization, the candidate of medical sciences - Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko.

This is the author of a method Buteyko famous for the whole World . The natural, medicineless method of strong-willed elimination of deep breath rescues mankind from such horrible diseases as asthma, bronchitis, diabetes, an allergy, female pathology … Only 115 most widespread diseases of a civilization. Deep breath RUINS MANKIND at each breath and an exhalation of people!! At everyone … If not to lead this breath to physiological norm. Buteyko's method solves this problem in three-four months of training. Since 1988 - already nearly THIRTY YEARS I am methodologist Buteyko. I rescue people by normalization of breath from asthma, bronchitis, a hypertension, an allergy, etc.

My Godfather Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko issued me for teaching his natural method the MOST reliable documents.

Two diplomas of the methodologist Buteyko. A lot of guarantees and the license from Buteyko.

And for the fact that I wrote the documentary trilogy "Discovery of Doctor Buteyko" Konstantin Pavlovich awarded me with a rank - the methodologist-auditor.

This is general rank in Buteyko's movement! Only a few people AROUND THE WORLD have it.

I think that I in brief quite clear explained dedication of this of the book, SIGNIFICANT for destinies of all Mankind, to the legendary scientist-Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko. (1923-2003 of life)

 And why I in dedication tell the name of the great Russian scientist, engineer, geographer - Pyotr Mikhaylovich Borisov (1901-1973 of life)? Yes because he in 1970 published the book which CAN rescue MANKIND from danger of a fast freezing … To rescue already now - in our disturbing 2017!! But not when planes with the passengers running from glaciers will not be able to rise in air from ice-covered and snow-covered airfields!

The book is called: "Whether the person can change climate."

The talented researcher devoted all the life to this BOOK! He dreamed of its exit all the life of the ingenious scientist-expert. The book appeared with a circulation only twenty five thousand copies. The researcher of water exchange of World oceans was SEVENTY years old!! In two and a half years Pyotr Mikhaylovich died. The person who created the MOST necessary and EVIDENTIAL (!!) the book for rescue of Mankind from Ice Age, died almost unrecognized his contemporaries!

 But he died as the SOLDIER on a post. To the last breath Pyotr Mikhaylovich believed - that the Mankind, in a cruel minute of Danger of a freezing, nevertheless WILL CONSTRUCT (!!) to his Plotinus of Life in the Bering Strait!!

Contemporaries often do not recognize, do not do justice to their the future SAVIORS …

Did not appreciate during lifetime of Great Buteyko!

And its method rescues little patients with asthma from asthma and hormones.

But about the Godfather I at his life wrote and published in electronic-option the trilogy "Discovery of Doctor Buteyko". Created on its base a videocourse of a classical method of Buteyko subsequently. (see site And with its help I train on the Internet in correspondence and consultations of everyone.

 And here Pyotr Mikhaylovich Borisov left on heaven when there was yet no opportunity to inform people about his project RESCUING mankind from the FREEZING…

 It is only possible to imagine how the scientist - the researcher of water exchange in the World Ocean hard died … He that well imagined that he without dam through the Bering Strait all of us will cover the next freezing soon. Small Ice Age. Also suffered sincerely incredibly.

 Therefore I devote this book and to him. To the author of the project of a dam through the Bering Strait!

 The third scientist in my dedication is the head of department of space researches of Pulkovo Observatory (city of St. Petersburg) - professor Abdusamatov Habibulo Ismailovich. (was born in 1940). Doctor physycist-mathematical sciences. Great scientist and very honest and courageous person. Even more than 15 years ago he was almost only scientist who it is angry and reasoned rose against UNIVERSAL lie of Kyoto  Protocol! The scientists of the whole world bribed by world financial mafia claimed that our planet is threatened BY GLOBAL WARMING! That ices will thaw and many countries supposedly  will flood with water... That warming, say, is caused by big emissions of carbon dioxide in the Atmosphere of Earth. That carbon dioxide is thrown out by the industrial enterprises. Also it is necessary to reduce them supposedly …

  Professor Abdusamatov honestly showed this world deception! He published the book that not emissions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere change climate. The climate dictates the Sun! And its activity falls. And we are waited by not global warming, but Small glacial before …

 Also it will begin already in 2014. Will begin seemingly gradually. Not at once all will notice approach of ices. But by 2025 year will begin to put on fur coats even those who lie to us about global warming … today.


  At once I shall make a reservation-Habibulo Ismailovich does not suggest to build a dam … He suggests - to prepare firewood for ovens. But it is his private judgment on fight against disaster. And for the fact that he warned us about fast danger of a freezing of Mankind we are extremely grateful to him!

My great Teacher - the academician Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko demanded from of his disciples  first of all in detail to tell people about himself. But only then to offer them something for studying and consideration. Otherwise supposedly people will not be able to trust you completely …

And I will surely fulfill Buteyko's requirement. I will execute in the first chapter.

 But now I want to finish the preface with the extensive quote from the book of the scientist-researcher Nikolay Aleksandrovich Zharvin "the Ice Apocalypse".

 The attitude towards the scientist Zharvin at me is double. On the one hand he is almost only person who in mass media brought up a question of threat of the Ice Apocalypse. About need to urgently construct a dam in the Bering Strait. It is his plus. But it ON THE ONE HAND …

Minus the researcher Nikolay Aleksandrovich Zharvin is that he is also a supporter of the MYTHICAL theory of GLOBAL WARMING. And supposedly the Ice Apocalypse will be, say, a CONSEQUENCE of warming … The Greenland glacier will thaw supposedly and IT will cause Small Ice Age …

 Professor Abdusamatov categorically does not agree with it. It is also against the theory of my Teacher academician Buteyko. It is against researches of the ingenious scientist Pyotr Mikhaylovich Borisov. And I am also against this statement. We will freeze not because of thawing of the Greenland glacier!

Small Ice Age already BEGAN in 2014!! Also it from - for the REDUCED activity of radiation of the Sun began!!

 But here Nikolay Aleksandrovich Zharvin describes freezing consequences very brightly … Can a little exaggeratedly, but … His picture helps all of us to understand that, the dam in the Bering Strait should be BUILT VERY URGENTLY!!

If we do not want to get into a similar situation.

So - we read a fragment from the book of the scientist Nikolay Aleksandrovich Zharvin-"the Ice Apocalypse"!

    "… We already spoke about destiny of the northern countries, and it would not be desirable to repeat. Let's just notice, climate change will happen to historical measures instantly. In several winter nights after turn of Gulf Stream. And this turn, perhaps, will happen in the winter and at night. Will freeze Greenland, Northern, Baltic, Norwegian and Barentsevy seas exhausting. And any vessel will not be able to take away unfortunate northerners to the southern lands. The proximity of warm part of Northern Atlantic and its frozen part will create the powerful atmospheric phenomena, strong winds, atmospheric fronts with their snowfalls. Any plane will not be able to fly up from the airfields which iced over and brought by snow during heavy bad weather. For evacuation from Great Britain there will be a tunnel through English Channel only. But whether it will be able effectively to work in these conditions … Tens of millions of British in Glasgow and Edinburgh, Liverpool and Manchester, Sheffield and Nortgemptona, perhaps, in Bristol and London, other British cities and settlements, will freeze to death in not adapted for such cold weather and therefore the defrozen apartments!!... And millions of the young, strong and courageous will rush through the frozen English Channel in the Antarctic snowstorm, covering with corpses their the final mournful journey. The full death threatens urban population of Scandinavia, Finland, Karelia, the Kola Peninsula, East and perhaps Central part of Canada. Naturally and to the population of Greenland, and also Iceland, Ireland, Farer. It will be unsweetened to the population of Northern Germany, Denmark, Poland, the Baltic countries, Northern and Central Russia, Belarus, Northern states of the USA …)"



  Here and so, dear readers … I want that these lines were read by my friend from Scotland -James Alexander Spens. Only ten thousand years ago his native Scotland was a glacial cemetery … Really we will give the chance to repeat ice death of Scots! Really we will not raise the voice with the requirement and an appeal about urgent construction of a dam in the Bering Strait! I want that my friends from America Patrick and Pam read these lines. They saw how meter snow covered this winter roads even of the State of New York … They were going to meet a strong cyclone even in the their house …

 So really honest people of America will not support an appeal about construction of a dam and the water-engineering system in the Bering Strait!! Powerful pumps will begin to pump over water in the necessary direction. It will clean snowfalls from America! It will weaken cyclones on the coast of America. Will reduce their quantity many times!!

   I want also that this warning fragment was read by my friend from Poland- Oleg Kovach. He and his Magda have three small children. And to all of them it will be terribly heavy in Ice Age …

  It is very desirable that this prevention was read by the governor of Alaska.

As the predecessor governor William Egan still in Octobre1959 year made it. Then the governor of Alaska studied the project of the scientist Pyotr Mikhaylovich Borisov. The project about construction of a dam and the water-engineering system in the Bering Strait. And William Egan appealed to the U.S. Government to CONSIDER a question of studying  , JOINT with Russia, of opportunities and benefits of OFFERS on construction of a dam and the water-engineering system in the Bering Strait.

His address was supported by senator from Alaska Ernst Gryuning. Democrat senator. This offer was supported by research supervisors of the American bureau of weather Harry Ueksler, Earl Dressler and Gordon Hill from the sea ministry of the USA.

   Believe. It were very clever and far-sighted people. Pyotr Mikhaylovich Borisov's project was called "A direct flow of warm Atlantic waters through the Arctic basin to the Pacific Ocean as a basis of stage-by-stage improvement of climate".

The project was put forward by the scientist Borisov in 1956 year. Both practical and prudent American politicians noted for themselves its HUGE benefit at once! Pyotr Mikhaylovich Borisov suggested to construct in the Bering Strait not only a dam! But also the large water-engineering system at it. That powerful pumps pumped over the thawed waters of the Arctic to the Pacific Ocean!! And by that rescued ALL GLOBE from glacial approach! Still it is not favorable. Very favourably.!!.

 These are now super indecisive scientists frighten us by thawing of the Arctic ices. Like, global sea level will raise and will flood all of us …

But it, to put it mildly, - the INCORRECT conclusion. Only the next two and a half million years we observe the Arctic ices. They bear to us cold weather, cyclones and reduction of acreage. Ices torment mankind only two and a half million years … And before nearly SEVENTY million years ON ALL earth were WARM!! On Alaska TROPICAL plants grew …

  And washed away nobody and did not flood at the same time! The ingenious scientist Borisov suggests to return heat to Earth most innate-NATURAL in the way.

 The doctor fiziko-mathematical sciences, the brilliant scientist Habibulo Ismailovich Abdusamatov in Pulkovsky Laboratory under Santk-Peteburg RECORDED the beginning of approach of Small ICE Age at the beginning of 2014! That is three years there is STILL silent approach of a freezing …

We have no more time to WAIT … The dam and the water-engineering system in the Bering Strait should be built IMMEDIATELY!!

    Author of the book

Sergey Altukhov.


Chapter 1

What bases are at me to urge to build to Life dam.  Education, callin, aspirations, beliefs…

My Teacher - the academician Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko always demanded from the pupils - in detail to be presented to audience. To tell about himself. That people knew, - WHO EXACTLY wants to convince them of something … And I always diligently carry out a precept of the outstanding physiologist of our days.

I was born in 1952. In the nice and frosty Siberian city of Novosibirsk. My father - Altukhov Georgy Efimovich was the chief of power laboratory. He worked as engineer on thermal station number 4 the  city of Novosiibirsk. Heated Kalininsky district of the city of Novosibirsk. The father was power engineer. The gentleman of the second highest award in the country. He was awarded for a contribution to heating of the frosty Siberian city with an award of the Labour Red Banner.

 And, as the son of the father of the power engineering specialist, I since the childhood watch batteries heater. Whether they give heat … What weather on the street, etc.

Here it is the first basis of my appeal - to build a dam and the water-engineering system in the Bering Strait. To me this subject is NOT INDIFFERENT since the CHILDHOOD. So it turned out on life.

The second basis is my fundamental education in the field of CONSTRUCTION! Yes not simple construction … And constructions of the railroads in frosty conditions of Eastern Siberia. I graduated from the legendary Novosibirsk Institute of Engineers of Railway Transport in 1974. This fundamental institute was founded in far 1932. Is also the SMITHY of the best engineers of railway transport in our country. It is very heavy to study in it, but it is honourable. Academic and scientific load is big. We sat over construction plans insanely.

 I studied at faculty "Construction of the railroads. Way and traveling facilities". From this-most difficult faculty all other faculties of institute gemmated over time.

I am not praised. I show the BASES for legitimacy of my appeal.

In 1970, after the first course me as the excellent student was sent to a prize trip to Czechoslovakia. As a part of group of students of the senior - a third year … The dean of faculty - professor Leopold Mechislavovich Danovsky insisted on inclusion me in structure of group. I remember the honor done me even many years later.

Professor Danovsky said to us - first-year students what graduates of Novosibirsk Institute of Engineers of Railway Transport build even to DAM on the river Neil … Build to DAM … in far and hot Africa. And we - then first-year students, listened to his words in cold Siberian audience with a sinking heart …

Here supposedly once and we will be able to build to DAM.

I do not know why famous professor encouraged us then  by the DAM exactly … We build bridges, tunnels, the railroads...

And here - DAM !

But cheerfulness before difficult study Leopold Mechislavovich in us inhaled.

It is the second explanation of my proximity to the lifted subject.

   The third explanation is my frank envy to teachers of department of hydraulic's of our institute. I was on the second year. And always admired a hydraulic's office where we took a course of a practical training. There was a big and long glass design. Something like the demonstrative pool.

The teacher turned on various cranes and water in a rectangular pipe began to worry and come to life … In soul to me it was involuntarily dreamed to teach at this department. It is the third justification of the fact that the project of the ingenious engineer and scientist Pyotr Mikhaylovich Borisov about creation of the direct-flow Gulf Stream Current strong touched my heart.

I did not get after the termination of institute on department of Hydraulics. I think that it were just student's hobbies. I worked three years on building. Master builder. And in 1977 returned to the native institute.


And here the fourth justification of my appeal - to warm the planet Earth by means of Pyotr Mikhaylovich Borisov's project is covered.

At return the human resources department of institute sent me to the engineer's position to laboratory of Avalanches. The full name of laboratory sounds so: "Scientific research laboratory on fight against snow drifts and avalanches at design and construction of the railroads"

Candidate of Technical Sciences Yury Alekseevich Marin was the head of laboratory. He employed me. And here the RESEARCH supervisor of laboratory and all department, at which the laboratory was, there was a person just epic... The largest scientist and the organizer of scientific work - professor Arkady Konstantinovich Dyunin!

Honored worker of science and  equipment of RSFSR. Doctor of Engineering.

Arkady Konstantinovich came to arrive to the first course of our institute yet in 1932. And in 1965 year famous professor Dyunin already headed "Research, Design and Construction of the Railroads" department. The laboratory of avalanches was at this department.

And who is such professor Dyunin for the whole world? This is the largest specialist in fight against snow drifts and avalanches on at design and construction iron and highways. This subject became especially actual when snow blizzards and drifts on transport in the fortieth and fiftieth years of the twentieth century SHARPLY amplified!! Arkady Konstantinovich was concerned by SNOW ecology.

And that-what, and snow problems I was full in two and  years of my work in scientifically research laboratory! Each employee of laboratory was in the long term obliged to write the master's thesis. To fight against avalanches I was sent to a site of the heroic Baikal-Amur highway under construction. You fly over the snow-covered and frozen Baikal. And is farther on the wild and low-passable snow-covered route. Sixty kilometers from Nizhneangarsk we - in the black, warmed flight jackets with huge work reached Goudzhekit on passing dump trucks. There was a November, 1977. No buses on the route of the Baikal-Amur highway under construction went yet … And the militia FORBADE to take dump trucks unfamiliar fellow travelers …


     On construction of the Baikal-Amur highway I was two years the chief of an antiavalanche stationar of Goudzhekit.

Goudzhekit in translation from Buryat means - Death Valley.

Here in this snow-covered valley we also dug holes in snow on avalanche lots. Also fixed parameters of snow cover.

Near our Novosibirsk antiavalanche stationar the observing meteorological station of Goudzhekit was located. And in two years I got acquainted with activities of this meteorological station for studying of weather conditions on this lot of a railway line under construction.

In two years of work in research antiavalanche laboratory I managed to hand over a candidate minimum. To make draft sketches of the beginning of future thesis.

However, long work in snow conditions of the route appeared not in power for my health. Besides I dreamed already  several years to become a writer. Prepared and handed over in the West Siberian publishing house the manuscript about the heroic red partizan- woman who studied at our institute earlier.



 Generally I left walls of laboratory. Also I began to be qualified  in literary work. In several years the literary destiny brought together me with the great physiologist Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko. Precepts of the academician Buteyko about all PRESERVATION of the remains of curative CO2 in the atmosphere of Earth also have DIRECT and first-hand relation to this book.! But about it I will write below in more detail. In other heads.


My first readers of this book (and without it) already reproach me with prolixity of this chapter … Why supposedly I so in details explain desire to write the book on this subject? Say, any person has legitimate right to it. And especially writer.

 For the life I wrote TEN documentary books. Published eight of them in paper option. Two last only in electronic option.

I never asked to admit me to the Writers' Union … In Soviet period there was a HUGE turn of persons interested … And I do not like to be pushed in turns. I just worked on the manuscripts. And over time they were printed in Novosibirsk. I wrote about partizans, about workers, about militia.

And from ten I devoted five latest books to Discovery of Diseases of Deep Breathing and the K.P . Buteyko method.

But I decided to show in this book initial - engineering - a piece of my life. Because Pyotr Mikhaylovich Borisov (the author of the legendary project about construction of the DAM AND the WATER-ENGINEERING SYSTEM in the Bering Strait) was a mining engineer. He graduated from Mining institute. Studied geology, geodesy etc …

At construction faculty of institute of engineers of railway transport I also studied these objects.

I understand that this book will be read and discussed by scientists in the field of geology, mineralogy and meteorology. They will solve - it is worth realizing the legendary project now or not …

Therefore it is important to me to specify from the very beginning that the book is written not just by the humanist. Yes. I do not consider myself as the scientist in this area at all. I before all - the writer.

But I in this question have the general, elementary concepts. In three and a half years from the beginning of new Ice Age I studied a lot of literature on this matter … And, above all what I have - it is understanding of HUGE love of Pyotr Mikhaylovich Borisov to One and all inhabitants of our planet Earth.

In the twentieth century there were many projects of improvement of climate in SEPARATE … regions of Earth. We will talk about them in the following chapter.

But these projects (even if they improved … climate in the, separately taken region) often simply RUINED climate in other areas of Earth!

Pyotr Mikhaylovich Borisov ALWAYS thought only of improvement of climate ON ALL PLANET the EARTH!! He ALL life IMPROVED the project according to remarks of the opponents.

And the project as a result was approved at the State level!! It was APPROVED by the famous scientists of the huge Soviet Union.

The remarkable scientist Habibulo Ismailovich Abdusamatov recorded the beginning of Small Ice Age yet in 2014 …

As the writer, as the pupil of the academician Buteyko, I am engaged thirty years in both sincere and physical sanitation of people.

And I address talented scientists of the present. On us ALREADY there step ices!! Let's not forget BY ALL MEANS about DAM OF LIFE of Pyotr Mikhaylovich Borisov. Let's not try to CRITICIZE ONLY his project WITH THE LAST BIT OF STRENGTH!...

 Respected scientists of the WHOLE WORLD ! Let's look for OBVIOUS BENEFITS for ALL people on Earth from this Project.!

Let's ADD it with what adds to us knowledge of TODAY'S SITUATION. It is ALWAYS more difficult to build, than to BREAK.

But as far as it is more noble and on Acceptable it is better.

   The documentary writer  - Sergey Altukhov.


Chapter 2

 The switch on improvement of all-planetary climate  is located in the Bering Strait!

 The mankind dreams not one decade  of improvement of climate.

The northern countries want that to them more heat came … The southern countries (especially Africa) sleep and see, as if to irrigate with  water their waterless steppes and deserts. My friends on Buteyko's movement are surprised. Why to the expert in the field of normalization of deep breathing to deal with meteorological problems? It convinces me  once again, of that how today's average person  NARROWLY looks at world around. … Unless the academician Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko DID NOT go ON at each lecture about CATASTROPHIC loss of CO2 in the atmosphere of Earth.?! Yes!! The physician and the physiologist Buteyko studied existence of CO2 in the atmosphere of the earth for the periods of many millions of years. Konstantin Pavlovich constantly emphasized that such diseases as diabetes, asthma, stenocardia, a hypertension and other have the MAIN reason (finally) the LACK of CO2 of the PRESENT Terrestrial atmosphere! The scientist claimed that on Earth because of a drought or frosts the woods are forced out. And DESERTS come …

Why deep breathing is HARMFUL? Yes because on DEEP breathing from a human body EXCESSIVELY … CURATIVE carbon dioxide is removed.

  Buteyko warned about danger of reduction of a forest cover!! It gives to Mankind invaluable carbon dioxide.


 Here I also am concerned by the fact that (already, by the way, begun in 2014) Small Ice Age will thoroughly finish also the wood remains. And it will also finish millions of people - both cold, and REDUCTION of the regions covered with vegetation!!

 This circumstance easily would seem explains my considerate attitude to this subject … But my friends - Great Buteyko's followers are not able to connect these facts in ONE logical chain often …

And so we will return to a subject of improvement of climate. To the ALL-PLANETARY project of Pyotr Mikhaylovich Borisov (to create a direct flow of warm Atlantic waters through the Arctic basin to the Pacific Ocean) a lot of things different scientific people offered. For example, suggested to build the channel through the peninsula Florida in America … And for what, it is asked, it should be made? And in order that warm Gulf Stream would not be cooled by the bad and cold Labrador Current … Other active people convinced the public of America that the meeting place of Gulf Stream and the Labrador Current should be transferred kilometers so to four hundred to the east … Like, so for North America it will be better. Will become warmer and cozier to the person there.

 And you know - authors of projects of Americans did not deceive! So it also is. To citizens of North America it is valid from these projects will become warmer. It will become more joyful to live …

  But here what trouble - will become much worse from it to citizens of Northern Europe! At them that will not become warmer! At them on the contrary will become colder degrees so on twelve … It is in a year. On average … But it is already-the LARGEST natural disaster!!

Thanks, of course, boys dear, but... But so business will not go. You there to yourself will be heated. And we will freeze to death …

Is not present and once again not! All-planetary switch of climate towards improvement is ONLY in the Bering Strait.! There  needs to construct the DAM of LIFE !! One on ALL. And the powerful water-engineering system with pumps for pumping of water through this dam.


   (the termination No. 7 follows)

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